We attach great importance to building and maintaining cooperative relationships with our suppliers. Transparency creates a reliable basis. That is why we provide a wide range of important information for suppliers as downloads in this section:
- General Terms and Conditions of Purchase (incl. compliance, sustainability, EcoVadis & IntegrityNext)
- Supplier portal e-source
- Electronic Data Interchange
- Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)
- External Tooling Approval Process (ETAP)
- Logistics Terms and Conditions
General Purchasing Conditions
The General Purchasing Conditions form an integral part of contracts between suppliers and KION GROUP AG and its subsidiaries.
For an objective and robust assessment of sustainability risk and performance of our suppliers, the KION Group has implemented a three level ESG evaluation program. Utilizing expert software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms,
- suppliers are risk screened to understand their inherent sustainability risk profile based on country, sector and commodity;
- suppliers are requested to complete a self-assessment questionnaire to understand the maturity of their controls relative to human and labor rights and environment compliance and protection.
- suppliers are asked to submit for a sustainability assessment of their policies, actions and results in the areas of human rights, labor rights, employment standards, HSE, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, product-related environmental protection and upstream supply chain monitoring
Training Videos
EcoVadis Sustainability Assessment
IntegrityNext Self-assessment
Supplier Portal e-source
KION e-source is our web-based tendering and supplier management platform that brings all relevant departments and suppliers together in one virtual place and enables us to collaborate digitally.
With our supplier portal KION e-source, you will be able to
- independently update your company's data & contact persons,
- enable yourself to participate and be considered for suitable tenders in the future and receive invitations and access to electronic RFQs,
- gain easier access to performance indicators,
- receive more targeted, efficient two-way information exchange using state-of-the-art interactive templates and workflows,
- immediately view results of joint activity.
Further information about e-source
What`s in for me? - Change Story
Take a look at our Change Story and experience selected use cases. Enjoy the journey!
Guidance Material & Contact
How to use KION e-source. See our quick guides.
In case you have problems with the self registration please contact:
Submission of data
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
Through the electronic interchange of structured business data, such as delivery call-offs, purchase orders, or invoices, we support efficient communication between our brand companies and their customers and suppliers.
EDI Documents
EDI Interchange Formats
EDI Guidelines
EDI Communication Channels
OFTP2 and AS2
on request
on request
Production Part Approval Process (KION PPAP)
The Production Part Approval Process (KION PPAP) is a key element of product and production approval. KION PPAP is based on IATF 16949, while KION plant standard WN 50 020 specifies the requirements and timelines.
The objectives of KION PPAP are:
- A collaborative relationship between the KION Group and our suppliers.
- A clear specification of the supplier parts by the KION Group.
- The implementation of the requirements by the supplier.
- The documentation of the outcome by the supplier.
- The safeguarding of quality from day one of full production.
PPAP Documents
PPAP Information
The KION PPAP provides a valuable contribution for customer satisfaction.
PPAP Factory Standard
PPAP Forms
External Tooling Approval Process (KION ETAP)
The External Tooling Approval Process (ETAP) is a structured method for monitoring and support of the industrialization phase for tooling at supplier side with a standardized KION process.
The KION plant standard 50 040 contains the essential elements and general requirements for the release of externally manufactured and used tools. It describes the process and the respective responsibilities, specifically of the suppliers, and applies to all business units of the 'Industrial Trucks & Services' segment and the suppliers affected by this process.
The objectives of ETAP are:
- Support for suppliers in the industrialization of Toolings
- A common understanding of tooling requirements
- Reduce Industrialization time by follow-up with/at supplier
- Assure higher maturity for the Approval of External Toolings
- Realization of the requirements by the supplier
- Documentation of the results by the supplier
KION ETAP makes a valuable contribution to our collaboration with Suppliers.
ETAP Documents
ETAP Factory Standard
ETAP Forms
Logistics Terms and Conditions
The Logistics Terms and Conditions (“LTC”) for our Operating Unit KION ITS EMEA define the necessary requirements for the delivery of products with regards to our Industrial Trucks & Services segment.
The Logistics Terms and Conditions describe all technical and operational aspects of a successful collaboration from product development phase to serial production and in the spare parts business. Furthermore, the Logistics Terms and Conditions describe how we as KION Group assesses and improves the collaboration with our suppliers.
The rules of the Logistics Terms and Conditions shall apply additional to any other agreements made with the supplier relating to supply and purchase of products by the KION Group (e. g. Frame Supply Agreement). We order solely based on our Logistics Terms and Conditions. Terms and conditions of the SUPPLIER which differ, conflict or are additional to the LTC of KION are not accepted and shall not apply, unless KION has agreed to them expressly.