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Every second counts

In the world of intralogistics, every second saved can mean the difference between success and backlog. At the KION Group, we have recognized this and are using innovative technologies to optimize even the smallest of time windows. What can this result in? Huge efficiency gains that can add up to impressive time savings over the year.


How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Efficiency in Intralogistics

The warehouse-specific processes in the warehouse management system are decisive for how efficiently workflows run in a warehouse and generative artificial intelligence helps to optimally implement the processes. This saves three times as much time during planning, implementation as well as during the ongoing process.

Matthias Merz is not known at the KION Group for his enthusiasm over small things, but when he talks about Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), our Senior Director Software Solutions ITS EMEA lights up: “With GenAI, we can do what human developers would take days to do in just a few seconds,” says Merz. AI has what it takes not only to increase operational efficiency in the warehouse, but also to revolutionize the process of system development.

But what is Gen-AI? These are systems that do not rely on predefined solutions, but instead search independently, flexibly and even creatively for the optimal answer to a problem. Other concepts related to this include Deep Learning, Machine Learning, or Reinforced Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). Using data sources, training methods and feedback, the system is constantly improving.

A Powerful Tool

This ability makes generative artificial intelligence a powerful tool in software development and process optimization—especially in the development and optimization of warehouse management systems (WMS) which map the internal material flow of a warehouse, control and optimize the processes. According to Merz, our expert, the decisive factor is how exactly the warehouse management system can be adapted to the respective needs of a customer. “Every bearing is unique, it is practically impossible to find a one-size-fits-all product,” says Merz, “but with GenAI, we are not standardizing the product itself, but the process of adapting it to specific customer needs.”

The first step in this process is the detailed recording of all warehouse characteristics in what is known as the process description editor. After collecting the precise description of the storage conditions, including structure and special processes, GenAI processes this data and develops a tailor-made WMS (Warehouse Management System) which is individually optimized to the needs of each unique warehouse.

Automation and Quality Assurance

In addition, the GenAI expands its role beyond just creation by also taking charge of testing the system and the creation of the necessary documentation. “Automated quality assurance and documentation significantly saves time and reduces the risk of human error. People like to take shortcuts, especially when it comes to these unpopular tasks,” Merz adds. This significantly accelerates implementation times—and, if necessary, makes it possible to react quickly to changing storage requirements.

GenAI enables a quick and efficient solution for a wide range of warehouse configurations by standardizing the process in which tailor-made WMSs are created. This ability to adapt quickly without sacrificing the benefits of standardization is an enormous advantage, especially in an industry where every second counts.

The Art of Micro-optimization

But the innovation does not stop there. A genetic algorithm can also be used in the fleet manager for automated guided vehicles (AGVs). “This genetic algorithm optimizes order allocation in AGVs,” explains Merz. The system determines the order in which AGVs receive and complete their tasks.

In contrast to the conventional approach, which either processes sequentially or requires a very time-consuming calculation of every possible option, the genetic algorithm tries to find a solution in the top 2-3 percentile of possible solutions in just a few seconds. This leads to amazing results: “In simulations, we have shown that the genetic algorithm achieves time savings of up to 20% compared to expert algorithms, depending on storage conditions,” says Merz. What does that mean? “You save seconds or even minutes per movement, which can add up to days over the year.”

Every Second Counts

The impact of this innovation is far-reaching. “Customization through GenAI gives our customers an enormous competitive edge,” says AI expert Matthias Merz. Every small optimization of storage processes means higher availability and more throughput—and that’s exactly what it’s all about.

The KION Group impressively demonstrates that every second counts in modern intralogistics. The use of GenAI and genetic algorithms not only optimizes existing processes, but also opens up completely new possibilities for increasing efficiency. In an industry where time is literally money, the KION Group is positioned at the forefront of innovation—taking each moment a second at a time.