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Nine Facts That Prove KION Is a Great Place to Work

A total of 42,325 people work for the KION Group and its brands worldwide. It is important to us that each and every one of them feels comfortable at work, is able to develop and progress, and that colleagues help each other. Here are some examples that prove this works pretty well.


Johanna Wachner

The KION Group and its brands (Linde Material Handling, STILL, Dematic, and Baoli) employ 42,325 people worldwide, which means that as an employer, we have a major responsibility. After all, a workplace should not just be a place where you perform well, but also one where you feel comfortable. That’s why we attach great importance to our shared values as a company.

We are convinced that KION is a great place to work, so how can we prove it? With impressive figures on long-term company loyalty, for example, or the journey of a teddy bear around the world! Here are nine amazing facts about the KION Group as an employer:

The 3,004 employees at our STILL brand in Hamburg (Germany) have been working for the company for 45,961 years in total. This corresponds to an average length of service of 15.3 years per person—an impressive number demonstrating that employees clearly feel very happy here and remain loyal to their employer for a long time!

Colleagues at our subsidiary Dematic accumulated 15,000 hours of learning on LinkedIn worldwide in 2023, which is an increase of 54% compared to the previous year. Ongoing education and development are of paramount importance throughout the entire KION Group, and we are proud that our employees are continuously expanding their skills and deepening their knowledge.

A total of 25 employees with disabilities work at the STILL spare parts warehouse in Hamburg. As an external working group of the Elbe workshops that offers disabled people support in their employment, they have a permanent job here. Their jobs were already taken into account when the spare parts warehouse was built over 20 years ago, as STILL has been offering people with disabilities job opportunities since the 1980s.

Staff at our brand Linde Material Handling donated 4,878 hours of overtime to the family of a colleague whose son suffers from a rare disease. The company converted the overtime into money that was paid out to the family. A great initiative, which proves that when it comes down to it, we all support each other!

Volunteer work totaling 3,361 hours was completed by 1,700 Dematic employees worldwide for more than 100 different non-profit organizations in 2023. They were involved in a wide range of charitable projects and educational programs designed to create a strong sense of community, and showed a great willingness to make a positive contribution to society.

72,529 vegetarian meals have been served in the canteen at the KION plant in Xiamen (China) since the location launched a veggie campaign at the request of employees at the end of 2017. The initiative not only promotes the health of the workforce, but also helps to reduce meat consumption and thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 56,573 kilograms—the equivalent of planting 4,834 trees.

One teddy bear, lost and found again: an employee at the KION Group in Germany was suddenly faced with a challenge when her daughter left her teddy bear at the hotel after a trip to Miami (US state of Florida). This wasn’t just any teddy—it was a gift from her late grandmother. When a colleague in America found out about this, he immediately took care of it. The teddy was picked up and taken to the KION North America headquarters in Summerville (US state of South Carolina), and from there, a colleague took him on a business trip to Germany and reunited him with the family!

More than 700 employees of over 34 different nationalities are involved in our “Business Transformation” project. They are all working to drive change at the KION Group in different ways. The goal: a shared KION environment with a standardized process and IT system landscape as well as harmonized data to make collaboration even easier.

There were 70 initiatives worldwide during our second KION Diversity & Inclusion Awareness Month in June 2024, from global online keynotes with diversity experts through participation in pride, sports, and networking events to sharing experiences about different aspects of our cultural backgrounds. All with one common goal: to show that diverse teams make us stronger, more resilient, and more creative!

Each of the figures mentioned tells a story about the KION Group as an employer, and they all demonstrate we are simply a great place to work!