
We are moved by sustainability.

It is our ambition to be the best at understanding our customers' requirements and to provide them with safe, efficient and innovative logistics solutions specific to their needs. A key factor to this mix is sustainable business.

Our actions are guided by environmental, social and commercial aspects. We also help our customers to implement their sustainability programs, thus ensuring that a crucial ingredient for their success is also in place.

Driving the transformation of intralogistics to emission free warehouses

Operating sustainably

The KION Group is committed to operating sustainably. We are guided by the definition in the Brundtland Report from the United Nations:

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Brundtland report, 1987

Sustainability affects all areas of our business, and the onus is on all of us to do our part. Through innovation, ideas and decisive actions, we ensure that we meet our goal of being a leader in sustainability. We have put in place a clear sustainability strategy, ambitious targets and effective measures to support us. Our annual sustainability report shows the progress we have made toward achieving our ambitions.

Blue Competence

The KION Group and its operating units are also in regular contact with various stakeholder groups, including industry associations in which we are actively involved on sustainability issues.

The KION Group is a partner in the Blue Competence sustainability initiative. Blue Competence is an initiative of the VDMA German Engineering Federation, set up to promote sustainability in the industry, but also to share sustainable solutions in mechanical and plant engineering. As a partner of the initiative, we have committed to adhering to its twelve guidelines for sustainable action.

You can find out more about the twelve sustainability guidelines at

Sustainability reports

We enhanced our approach for sustainability reporting in 2023 by launching two individual publications that go hand in hand with each other. The Non-financial Report 2023 and the Sustainability Insights 2023 were developed in tandem to provide a comprehensive reporting on our sustainability activities during fiscal year 2023.

We transitioned from the sustainability report to the Non-financial Report 2023 in order to prepare for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), including its incorporation into the KION Group Annual Report in the upcoming year. The Non-financial Report 2023 meets the requirements of sections 315b and 315c in conjunction with 289c to 289e of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

In addition, we feature Sustainability Insights that build upon the material reporting provided in the non-financial report and provide a more comprehensive overview of the initiatives, measures and targets per sustainability action field beyond regulatory requirements.

Both publications are created with reference to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Download for Sustainability Insights 2023

We are closing the loop for lithium-ion batteries

Key sustainability figures

We use a wide range of relevant key figures to monitor our sustainability program, the most important of which are shown here. A selection of facts and figures on the various topics, along with the leading targets and status of the KION Group sustainability strategy, can be found in our presentation of key sustainability figures.

Download key sustainability figures

Sustainability ratings and sustainability indices

The KION Group’s commitment to sustainability is recognized by investors, financial institutions and rating agencies. Here are some relevant examples.


Rating Scale
(min. to max.)
Score Year
CDP (climate change) D- to A A- 2023
EcoVadis Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum Gold 2023
FTSE Russell ESG Rating 0 to 5 3.7 2024
ISS ESG Rating D- to A+ B- (Prime Status) 2023
MSCI ESG Rating CCC to AAA AAA 2024
S&P Global CSA 0 to 100 64 2024
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating 100 to 0 20.6 2023
Moody's Analytics ESG Rating 0 to 100 47 2024


Index Status Inclusion
Dow Jones Best-in-Class Europe Member December 2024
DAX® 50 ESG Member March 2020
STOXX® Europe Sustainability Member December 2017
FTSE4Good Index Series Member June 2019

Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations set out guidelines for greater sustainability at economic, social, and ecological level. To achieve these ambitious goals, all parts of society need to act together. To the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

As a company with operations all over the world, the KION Group strategically contributes to the achievement of 13 SDGs. To this end, among other frameworks, we evaluate the Sustainable Development Goals when we select and define relevant topics as part of our materiality assessment, recently updated in 2022.

We embedded the aspects identified as material into our sustainability strategy and define eight strategic action fields. These are guiding our sustainability actions, thus providing the structure for our contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Further information on the materiality assessment and sustainability strategy in our Sustainability Report.

HSE - Statement of Intent

KION is committed to conducting its global business in a responsible manner that complies with or exceeds legal compliance, promotes environmental stewardship, sustainability, and protects the health and safety of our employees, temporary employees, agency workers and contractors.


Matthias Sieber

Vice President Sustainability & HSE

Experience sustainability

Our current sustainability stories from the KION world.

Company Infomation

Corporate Presentation

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KION at a glance

Our portfolio as well as our brands and milestones.

Our Sustainability Stories

Read stories about our sustainability, one field of action of our strategy.

Investor Relations

The reasons for an investment in KION.